Known submissions for the new call for signatures #

About #

The goal of this page is to gather the information we have about the submissions to the onramp Nist call. We put all the submissions of which we have knowledge. Furthermore, we chose to include the one based on the MPC in the head paradigm into the category of their underlying asssumptions.

We are more than happy to add new information, or correct any mistake we might have made.

Categories #

On June 9, NIST announced the following numbers which can also be found here.

Type Number
Lattice 8
Code-based 5
Multivariate 11
MPC in the head 7
Symmetric 6
Isogeny 1
Other 12
#Total 50

Lattice-based #

  • HAETAE: Dilithium-like scheme with improved compactess to target space-limited applications. Also submitted to the Korean PQC competition.
  • Hawk: A signature scheme inspired by the Lattice Isomorphism Problem. The source code is available on Github.
  • RACCOON: A Side-Channel Secure Signature scheme

Code-based #

Hamming Metric #

  • LESS: Linear Equivalence Signature Scheme
  • SDitH: Syndrome Decoding in the Head
  • Wave: Based on the hardness of the ternary Decoding Problem with large weight.

Rank Metric #

  • MEDS: Matrix Equivalence Digital Signature scheme.
  • MIRA: MInRAnk in the head
  • MIRITH: MInRank In The Head
  • RYDE: Decoding \(\mathbb{F}_{q^m}\) - linear codes for the rank metric, in the head.

Other #

  • CROSS: Codes and Restricted Objects Signature Scheme
  • FuLeeca: A Lee-based Signature Scheme
  • PERK: Permuted Kernel Problem in the head

Multivariate #

  • Biscuit: Solving algebraic systems in the head
  • MAYO: Practical Post-Quantum Signatures from UOV Maps
  • MQOM: MQ on my Mind.
  • PROV: unbalanced UOV
  • QR-UOV: UOV using a polynomial quotient ring.
  • TUOV: Triangular UOV
  • UOVsig: Plain UOV
  • VOX: \(\text{UOV}\hat{+}\) and Quotient rings

Symmetric #

  • FAEST: Picnic-like signature scheme with AES cipher and VOLE-in-the-head

Isogeny #

  • SQIsign: Short Quaternion and Isogeny Signature

Other #

  • ALTEQ: ALternating Trilinear form EQuivalence